Turn | 6.5 (Sun) Start performing official invitation PM 7:30 [ Haeundae Beach Special Stage ] | ||||||||
1 | USA. Body Traffic <O2JOY> | ||||||||
2 | Spain. Cobosmika Company SL <One To Another> | ||||||||
3 | India. Nad-Roop <‘Parinati’> | ||||||||
4 | Bulgaria. Atom Theater <Helga_Underground> | ||||||||
5 | Korea. Park Eunhwa Dance Company
6 | France·Spain. Elephant in the Black Box <The 4 Seasons of Victoria> | ||||||||
7 | Korea. SEOP-Dance Company <Dance journey with drama music> | ||||||||
8 | Singapore. Odyssey Dance Theatre Ltd <Wow! Merlion> | ||||||||
9 | Korea. TEUM DANCES <Oh I see> | ||||||||