" The 10th Busan International Dance Festival " Poster Competition held > 공지사항_eng

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The 12st Busan International Beach Dance Festival ​"Discover Busan, A delightful universe of dance"

" The 10th Busan International Dance Festival " Poster Comp…

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작성자 관리자 작성일13-09-10 11:26 조회5,921회 댓글0건


( Four ) Busan International Dance Festival Organization Committee Bulletin No. 2013-8

" The 10th Busan International Dance Festival " 
Poster Competition held


Busan International Dance Festival Organization Committee corporation Mon, 9 September 31 October until
Thursday 53 days " The 10th Busan International Dance Festival
" will be held the official poster design competition .
 " 10 years of the gesture wing " on the subject are encouraged to participate in the Poster Competition .


□ Competition Overview
○ Competition Division : The 10th Busan International Dance Festival Poster Design Competition
○ Period: 2013 . Nine . 9 (Mon) 10 . 31 (Thu) 18:00 , 53 days
○ Entry Requirements: None . Unpublished works just limited to domestic , individual or team of qualified Entry
○ Required documents:
① Application Submission : Part 1 prescribed form
(Busan International Dance Festival organizers http://www.bidf.kr download from website )
② artwork image file : width 540mm height 780mm size , jpg format
※ winners the source file (ai or psd format , 300dpi or higher) must be submitted strictly tested .
○ How to apply : E-mail received ([email protected] the exhibition application form, submit a work file )
E-mail the title 'BIDF poster contest - John Smith ' written in the form of demand
○ Announcement of results: November 2013 Website of the individual notifications and announcements

□ Festival Overview
○ Name of Event : The 10th Busan International Dance Festival
Exercise name (zero ) - The 10th Busan Internatioal Dance Festival
○ Title: 10 years , gesturing wing .
○ Period: 2014 . Five . 30 ( Fri ) ~ 6 . 3 (Tue)
※ festival organizers depending on the circumstances of the schedule is subject to change.
○ Venue: Haeundae Beach Special Stage / Theater of the Busan Cultural Center
○ Hosted by : Busan
○ Management : (i) Busan International Dance Festival Organization Committee

□ poster design notation information at
○ Festival Overview: Event Name ( Korean and English ), exercise duration , location, organizer, organizing

□ Work Awards
○ Target 1 point ( 1 million won prize and certificate )
○ Award 1 point ( 300,000 won prize and certificate )
○ specialties. Winning 00 points ( awarded only listed )

□ Screening and Selection
○ festival jury to configure and design professionals , selected according to the selection criteria must .
○ Depending on the level of examination results of the work may not have the winner .

□ Copyright Notice and Notice
○ submitted for application submissions and any related documents will not be returned.
○ for submissions of any intellectual property rights ( four ) Busan International Dance Festival
      Organization  Committee  Owns .
- Copyright, patents, utility models, including the registration of the rights of
- PR , exhibition, publication production , distribution , publication, exhibition installation , including the right
○ submissions that have not been published at home and abroad should be a pure creation of the work
     of  others or  Even after the end screening if Mozac cancel the award and the prize that water exchange .
In particular, due to plagiarism that any legal responsibility for the applicants .
○ prize winner of the festival will be used as a promotional poster at the variations possible.

□ other questions
○ For more details, Busan International Dance Festival Organization Committee Office
   (☎ 868-7881 ~ 2) , please contact us at


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About BIDF Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions
614-050 Yangjeongdong gu, Busan 386-17 2nd Floor  E-mail : [email protected]

TEL : 051 868 7881~2  FAX : 051 868 7883  Personal Information Manager: Kim Jung Soon

Copyright @2016 BUSAN INTERNATIONAL DANCE FESTIVAL All Rights Reserved. Creative by TLOG